With the purchase of a new dress,
needed was some polishing up. shoes and other items I was all set. I was so encouraged with the re ception I received that it was there and then I decided to continue with this means of wearing my clothes in public. I even dressed at home and drove out to the eating place. I checked with a local Police det- ective whom I know real well, and he said he saw no harm in it as long as I was going someplace to entertain. Following the performance I drove over to this former neighbor of mine to have him take pictures, which he agreed to before hand. To my surprise they received me with great interest and I must have been in their home at least three hours.
This summer I was to return to a University near my home for the second year of a course I am taking. It was the duty of the second year class to furnish the entertainment, and I wasn't quite sure whether my act would fit in or not. I took my outfit with me, however, and was accepted for the performance. More rehearsing and I worked hard as I had to put this thing over. Came the night of the presentation and I walked into the room where the others were. I almost started a riot as they had no idea what I was going to do. Also the real girls of the class gave me plenty of attention, and how. Came show time and surprising to myself I was never calmer. I was completely pre- pared, my dress, shoes, and lingerie fit me perfectly and had complete confidence in myself. The music started, I was there in front of a dead Mike" performing the best I knew how. It was a thrill to hear the applause I received. Complete acceptance of my impersonation, the songs, my performance. A couple of the powers to be complimen- ted me highly for keeping it clean and entertaining. I have always believed that in keeping a thing of this type in good taste would get one a lot further than bringing in the seamy side. I was told there were 247 persons admitted to the room. After the performance I min- gled with the audience and chatted still with my outfit on. I think a lot of people appreciated this as they could have a closer look at me, and I was having a ball. I feel now I don't have to apologize for my act, and I can accept any invitation that comes along this fall or winter. As a matter of fact, I already have one invitation for September to appear before the local Women's Business and Profession- al Club. And I am told there are lawyers, doctors and others among them. The only problem I have with this one is getting out of the apartment in the early evening hours.
In the event any of you Gals might be thinking of something like this, let me make a few suggestions. Get records of good female singers and learn the songs well. I like the ones you can belt out, and a good even rhythm. Don't think you can slide by, you'll have